Goal 1:
To improve the academic success and advance Hispanic, first-generation, and other low-income students into core health sciences and STEM courses and through to program completion.
- Objective 1.1
By 2026, increase the completion rates of students in gateway courses (completion of transfer-level math and English in first year) by 25% from a 2017-2018 baseline of 8.55% to 33.3% in 2026.
- Objective 1.2
Increase fall-to-fall persistence rate of Hispanic and low-income SRJC students by 30% from 2019-2020 baseline of 50.04% to 80.04% in 2026.
- Objective 1.3
Incoming high school students will enter college with an identified education goal to be successful.
- Objective 1.4
Increase the number of engagements with on-campus STEM research opportunities that integrate hands on, research experiences and provide Community College students with opportunity to participate in research studies.
Goal 2:
To increase the number of Hispanic and other low-income students attaining degrees or transferring in the fields of science, technology, engineering, health sciences, and mathematics.
- Objective 2.1
By 2026, increase from a 2017-2018 baseline of 1.65% to 30% of Hispanic and low-income undergraduate students graduating within three years of enrollment with a STEM degree.
- Objective 2.2
By 2026, increase the percentage of Hispanic and low-income students transferring to a four-year institution within three years from a Fall 2018 baseline of 11.97% to 18%.
- Objective 2.3
Expose the number of student engagements with professional development opportunities to open the pathway to a future career in STEM.
Goal 3:
To develop model transfer pathways and course articulation agreements between SRJC and four-year institutions in science, mathematics, health science, and engineering fields.
- Objective 3.1
Increase the success rate of Hispanic and low-income students who succeed in a STEM course by 10% from the baseline of 68.0% in 2020-2021 to 78%.
- Objective 3.2
Increase STEM articulation agreements from 3 to 5 per year with partner schools or other 4-year schools in STEM discipline pathways.