SRJC was formally designated an Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) by the United States Department of Education for the first time in April 2014.

META4 Was funded from October 2014 to September 2020.

In October 2014, SRJC received its first Title V (HSI) grant for 2.65 million over 5 years. The grant, Meta4, had four goals focused on expanding educational opportunities and improving the academic outcomes of Hispanic and low-income students, and developing and enhancing SRJC's academic offerings, program quality, and institutional stability.

  • Meta 1: Increase access, retention, and degree or certificate completion for Hispanic and low-income students
  • Meta 2:  Increase the number of Hispanic English Learners students enrolling in, and successfully completing, transfer-level composition courses;
  • Meta 3:  Provide Hispanic and low-income students access to new technology advising and planning tools to increase their academic success, retention, and graduation rates;
  • Meta 4: Improve the transition and continuing success of Hispanic and low-income students to the demands of college, emphasizing improving student support and academic success.

Meta4 Strategies & Activities:

  • Mi Casa (Multicultural Innovation Center for Academic Success & Achievement)
  • Summer Bridge (English focus)
  • Connections Pathway (Learning Community)
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) New Curriculum
  • New Technology

Meta4 Accomplishments:

  • Curricular redesign of English as a Second Language, credit and non-credit academic pathways for students
  • Provided funding to increase Schools Outreach Team members
  • Connections Learning Community: Increase course success rate for students in English 5
  • MiCasa Student Success Center (moved to the Intercultural Center upon grant completion)
  • Increased completion levels of capstone classes in the English Pathway (year 1-14%, year 5-23.6%)


Meta4 was funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Post-Secondary Education, and a Title V grant.