Avanzando Internship Opportunities


Welcome to the Avanzando Internship page, below you will find various internship opportunities. For any questions or concerns please contact Alissa Wolters awolters@santarosa.edu. 

The Spring 2025 Avanzando Student Ambassador Internship

For this opportunity students should be enthusiastic about serving their community through volunteering, interested in developing a passion project and presenting a poster on it at the end of the semester, and taking at least three units in either STEM or Health Sciences.

The Student Ambassadors will collaborate together in biweekly meetings, attend at least one leadership meeting, plan a community volunteer day (each ambassador will take turns leading an event), support Avanzando outreach efforts, and will be mentored on their community service and poster by the Avanzando manager (Alissa Wolters). Each intern will be eligible for an $1,800 scholarship.

Apply Here!

Avanzando Ambassador Internship

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The Campus Biodiversity Initiative Internship

This scholarship opportunity is for students passionate about conservation biology, environmental studies, field botany, or ecology. This on-campus internship provides valuable hands-on experience and financial support. The application period is currently closed for this opportunity. 

Apply Here!


Biodiversity Initiative Internship Opportunity

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