Avanzando Goals & Activities

Goal 1: 

To improve the academic success and advance Hispanic, first-generation, and other low-income students  into core health sciences and STEM courses and through to program completion.
  • Objective 1.1

    By 2026, increase the completion rates of students in gateway courses by 25% over 5 years.

  • Objective 1.2

    To increase the first-to-second year retention rate of Hispanic and low-income SRJC students entering Health Science and STEM fields by 30% by 2026.

  • Objective 1.3

    Incoming high school students will enter college with an identified educational goal and appropriate course work to be successful.

  • Objective 1.4

    Increase the number of STEM entry courses utilizing course-based research experiences, integrating hands-on, new research experiences, and provide community college students with opportunities to participate in research studies.

Goal 2: 

To increase the number of Hispanic and other low-income students attaining degrees or transferring in the fields of science, technology, engineering, health sciences, and mathematics.
  • Objective 2.1

    By 2026, increase from a baseline rate of 17% in 2020 to 30% of Hispanic and low-income, full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students graduating within three years of enrollment with a Health Sciences or STEM field degree.

  • Objective 2.2

    By 2026, increase the percentage of Hispanic and low-income students transferring and retained in a Health Sciences or STEM field from 7.4% to 18%.

  • Objective 2.3

    By 2026, decrease the time to degree completion from a mean of five years to three years.

  • Objective 2.4

    Develop future STEM and Health Science faculty to increase ethnically representative faculty through activities with current students.

Goal 3:

To develop model transfer pathways and course articulation agreements between SRJC and four-year institutions in science, mathematics, health science, and engineering fields.
  • Objective 3.1

    To increase the percentage of Hispanic and low-income students who transfer with a STEM major within three years from 0% to 10% by increasing the number of AS-T degrees from two to seven.

  • Objective 3.2

    To increase articulated course agreements in STEM disciplines with partner colleges and universities by three to five per year.